

One of the main objectives of the Darwin Initiative project, "Fungi of the Caribbean" was to produce a national conservation strategy for fungi in Cuba. The strategy is based on analysis of information in the computerized databases of the project and in mycological literature relating to Cuba. This document constitutes the first document for Cuba, the Caribbean region and, possibly all of Latin America, to approach the specific issue of conservation of fungal diversity. Very few such documents exist worldwide. The strategy has two parts. The first is a review of the current state of knowledge of the Cuban mycota by taxonomic and ecological groups. Aspects related to legislation, environmental education and available resources for the study and conservation of fungal diversity in Cuba are also approached. In the second part the strategy and action plan are developed taking into account deficiencies identified in the first part. The goal of the work belongs with that of the Cuban National Strategy of Biodiversity. The objectives and actions, however, address particular issues which must be considered to achieve rational use and conservation of this group of organisms which plays such an important role the nature and human life. The strategy and action plan highlight those many areas where basic information about fungi are lacking, and discuss the best way to prepare a "red data list" for the fungi. The question of what scientific society would be most suitable to represent mycology in Cuba is also addressed, as well as the importance of habitat preservation in conservation of the fungal diversity.


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