(1909 – 2001)

Natalya Sergeevna Novotelnova - outstanding mycologist and plant pathologist. She was excellently educated: at first she was graduate of one of the best educational institutions of Leningrad - St Annenschule, then - Roman-German Department of Phylological Faculty and Biological Faculty of Leningrad University.

The first researches of N.S. Novotelnova on biology of spore vegetation in parasitic fungi she carried on under guidance of Professor N.A. Naumov at the All-Union Institute of Plant Protection. Then, working at the Botanical-Microbiological Laboratory of State Institute of Radiology under direction of of Academicians G.A. Nadson and V.N. Lubimenko, she took a great interest in radiobiology. This work resulted in such publications: "On influence of rhodon on luminescent bacteria", "Influence of X-rays and radium emanation on pigmental system of protoplast and stomatal system of the leaf". Later on, in the 1960s, N.S. Novotelnova used her knowledge in radiobiology studying the agent of cotton-plant wilt. The results were published in papers: "On original mutation of fungus Verticillium dahliae Kleb." and "Induced variability of Verticillium wilt of cotton-plant".

During the Great Patriotic war N.S. Novotel'nova, being in evacuation, worked at clinical laboratories of hospitals of Samarkand and Kustanai. In 1944 she returned to Leningrad and worked at Sanitation Institute. She carried on investigations, which underlay her PhD thesis "Mycoflora of sewage". In the 1950s, working first at the Institute of Zoology and Phytopathology and then at the All-Union Institute of Plant Protection, N.S. Novotelnova studied mildew of sunflower. Since this disease was little known in the USSR, investigations of N.S. Novotelnova were of great importance not only for plant pathologists but also for selectionists of this crop. During a number of years she worked over such questions: specialization, biology and taxonomy of agent of mildew of sunflower - Plasmopara halstedii; species of Plasmopara on Compositae; polymorphism of species of genus Plasmopara; laboratory cultivation of fungi-obligate parasites etc. All these materials were included into the book "Mildew of sunflower. Taxonomy and biology of agent, pathogenesis of disease" (1966). This work was defended as a Doctor's thesis.

At that period N.S. Novotelnova paid attention also to other Peronosporales fungi. She studied them on the basis of Komarov Botanical Institute, where she was invited to work by direction of this Academic Institution. N.S. Novotelnova devoted herself to questions of systematics and taxonomy of single genera and families of order Peronosporales. The special attention she paid to morphogenesis of fungi, including anomalies. In 1974 she published monograph "Phytophthoraceae fungi". In 1985 the book, written in co-authorship with K.A. Pystina "Flora of Cryptogam plants. Volume IX. Order Peronosporales" came to light. Soviet and foreign specialists declared new species of genus Plasmopara, described by N.S. Novotelnova during investigation of combined species P. halstedii, valid.

Numerous publications of N. S. Novotelnova were and remained of great practical importance. Among them: textbook "Root and bottom rot of cultivated plants, caused by lower fungi", reference book on diagnostics and investigating techniques "Peronosporales fungi - pathogens of cultivated plants in the USSR", and a number of articles.

In addition to numerous scientific publications (more then 100), N.S. Novotelnova had a number of works devoted to the history of mycology and plant pathology. These works contain materials on life and scientific activity of Academicians M.S. Voronin and G.A. Nadson, retain for us memory about first Russian plant pathologists - A.T. Bolotov (1738-1833) and N.M. Maksimovich-Ambodik (1743-1812). The last article was published in 1998. In 2001 the book, devoted to life of prominent Russian mycologist and plant pathologist N.A. Naumov. N.S. Novotelnova also published her own memoirs, articles about her travels (Afganistan and India - through the eyes of mycologist-phytopathologist), and family chronical (about father - outstanding surgeon and medical officer).

N.S. Novotelnova always readily shared her knowledge, gave numerous scientific consultations. Having a perfect command of foreign languages (German, English, and French), she actively kept in touch with foreign colleagues. Till the present day her books and preprints are welcome all over the world.

N.S. Novotelnova took an active part in training of scientific personnel for different regions of the former Soviet Union. Many known scientists prepared and defended their PhD thesis under her supervision: E.I. Legen'kaya (Kursk, Russia), P. Dzhumabayev (Kazakhstan), K.A. Pystina and O.G. Golubeva (Leningrad, Russia).

N.S. Novotelnova was a many-sided person. She played music, sang, made verses (even in French).

Compiled by K.A. Pystina.

Lists. Publications. Taxa. Kirk & Ansell form of name: Novot.

Nataliya Sergeyevna Novotelnova

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