(25 October 1885 – 14 December 1974)

Biographies & obituaries. Transactions of the British Mycological Society 30: portrait. Wakefield, E.M. (1966). Dr John Ramsbottom. Transactions of the British Mycological Society 49 (1): 1-2 [+ portrait]. Gregory, P.H. (1975). John Ramsbottom, 1885-1974. Transactions of the British Mycological Society 65 (1): 1-6 [+ portrait example of handwriting]. Ainsworth, G.C. (1996). Brief Biographies of British Mycologists pp. 144-145 [+ portrait]. Lloyd, C.G. Mycological Notes by C.G. Lloyd 57: 813-814, 1918 [+ portrait]. Lists. Publications. Taxa. Kirk & Ansell form of name: Ramsb.

John Ramsbottom

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