Not enough is known about fungi from Ukraine to prepare any objective red lists. The present pages may, however, be viewed as steps in that direction. They comprise lists of all 7,272 fungal names of species and subspecies ranks known from Ukraine on the basis of records in the database used for this project. The objective is to help identify taxa which may be under-recorded or genuinely rare and, perhaps, endangered. For each list there are selection criteria which might help to determine if a taxon is endangered, rare or simply under-recorded. Each list presents fungi meeting its selection criteria. Different lists identify taxa for which there may be no recent records: taxa with no known date of collection (over 1,600 taxa), taxa last recorded before 1961 (nearly 2,500 taxa), taxa last recorded before 1991 (nearly 4,500 taxa), and taxa recorded since 1990 (nearly 1,200 taxa) [this produces the interesting statistic that nearly 84% of all 7,272 fungal species and their various subspecific taxa have no records on the database with a date of collection or observation which can be said with certainty to be less than twelve years old]. Other lists identify taxa for which there are 5 or fewer records in the database (just over 5,000 taxa or nearly 70% of all fungal species and subspecific taxa known from Ukraine), and taxa with more than 50 records but known from only one or two oblasts (8 taxa).

  • Fungi for which no date of observation is recorded
  • Fungi with last known record before 1961
  • Fungi with last known record before 1991
  • Fungi recorded more recently than the end of 1990
  • Fungi with five or fewer records in the database
  • Fungi with more than fifty records but known only from one or two oblasts

    The information used to produce these html pages was derived from the same data set as used to produce Electronic distribution maps of Ukrainian fungi, was produced by the same team and contributors, involved the same collaborating institutions, and was supported by the same supporting organizations.

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