Ancistranthus harpochiloides (Griseb.) Lindau

Herb; stem hairless; leaves oblong, 5-12 cm, with long acuminate apex, base cuneate, sometimes asymmetric, with midrib prominant on underside, secondary veins laxly reticulate and glabrous; pedicel short; bracts 2 mm, subulate; calyx lobes lanceolate, 7-9 mm, glabrous; corolla 3-4 cm, glabrous on outside, pubescent in the throat, with tube of about 1 cm, upper lip very curved, about 3 cm, lower lip recurved, about 28 mm, 3-lobed; capsule elliptic-oblong, 2 cm, with 4 seeds; seeds rugose, orbicular, 5 mm.

monotypic genus endemic to Los Mogotes de Viñales.

Ancistranthus harpochiloides
Ancistranthus harpochiloides, hojas
Ancistranthus harpochiloides, hojas
Ancistranthus harpochiloides, flor
Ancistranthus harpochiloides, flor

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