Anthurium cubense Engl.

Plant may be terrestrial, epiphytic or growing from between rocks, rosulate. Stem short with numerous roots; roots white-green, ascending; cataphyll length 9.8-20 cm, width 3.0-4.8 cm, later transforming into fibres. Leaf 41-119.7 cm long, 9.5-43.6 cm wide, papery to coriaceous, obovate; apex pointed to obtuse, sharply tapering; margin sinuous; midrib prominent on both sides, on the upper side midrib and main lateral veins elevated, describing a straight or occasionally curved line to the apex; floral spike directly attached or estipitate; flowers 0.15-0.2 cm diameter; berry with 1-2 seeds, obovate; seed oblong shaped.

Common name: anturio.

Anthurium cubense
Anthurium cubense, leaves
Anthurium cubense, flowers

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