Chrysobalanus icaco L.

Small tree up to 10 m, leaves elliptic to ovate or commonly almost round, up to 10 cm long, rounded, obtuse or emarginate, elongated at the base, shiny on the upper side, almost directly attached; cymes with peduncles, with few to many flowers, smaller than the leaves; calyx 5 mm, tomentose; lobes triangulare ovate, pointed, 2.5 mm; petals obovate-cuneate, 5 mm; drupe commonly almost globous, lightly rosate, up to 33 mm long, 27 mm side, when dry.

Common names: icaco de costa, icaco dulce.

Chrysobalanus icaco
Chrysobalanus icaco
Chrysobalanus icaco, living leaves
Chrysobalanus icaco, dead leaves
Chrysobalanus icaco, flowers

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