Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

Fungal Genera


Fungal genera: Laboulbenia [50 taxa], Laboulbeniopsis [1 taxon], Labrella [2 taxa], Labyrinthomyces [10 taxa], Laccaria [83 taxa], Lacellina [42 taxa], Lacellinopsis [40 taxa], Lachnea [37 taxa], Lachnella [91 taxa], Lachnella [11 taxa], Lachnellula [255 taxa], Lachnobolus [5 taxa], Lachnobolus [3 taxa], Lachnocladium [20 taxa], Lachnum [496 taxa], Lactarius [252 taxa], Lactocollybia [30 taxa], Laestadia [108 taxa], Laeticorticium [8 taxa], Laetinaevia [7 taxa], Laetiporus [218 taxa], Laetisaria [3 taxa], Laeviomeliola [1 taxon], Laeviomyces [1 taxon], Laevopyxis [2 taxa], Lagarobasidium [1 taxon], Lagenidium [6 taxa], Lagenomyces [3 taxa], Lagerheima [2 taxa], Lambertella [60 taxa], Lambottiella [2 taxa], Lambro [1 taxon], Lamelloporus [2 taxa], Lamproconium [12 taxa], Lamproderma [150 taxa], Lamprospora [51 taxa], Lamyella [1 taxon], Lanzia [158 taxa], Laquearia [1 taxon], Laridospora [3 taxa], Lasallia [3 taxa], Laschia [24 taxa], Laschia [12 taxa], Lasiobelonium [4 taxa], Lasiobolus [306 taxa], Lasiobotrys [17 taxa], Lasiodiplodia [802 taxa], Lasioloma [21 taxa], Lasionectria [2 taxa], Lasiosordaria [1 taxon], Lasiosphaeria [166 taxa], Lasiosphaeriella [11 taxa], Lasiosphaeris [1 taxon], Lasiostemma [49 taxa], Lasiostictella [1 taxon], Lasiothyrium [1 taxon], Lasmenia [6 taxa], Lasmeniella [20 taxa], Lasseria [1 taxon], Lateriramulosa [10 taxa], Laternea [5 taxa], Lauderlindsaya [1 taxon], Laurera [64 taxa], Laurilia [17 taxa], Lauriomyces [3 taxa], Lautitia [1 taxon], Lawalreea [1 taxon], Laxitextum [86 taxa], Leberidia [2 taxa], Lecanactis [22 taxa], Lecania [62 taxa], Lecanidiella [1 taxon], Lecanidion [48 taxa], Lecanidium [4 taxa], Lecanographa [1 taxon], Lecanora [1884 taxa], Lecanosticta [3 taxa], Lecanostictopsis [2 taxa], Leccinum [48 taxa], Lecidea [209 taxa], Lecidella [199 taxa], Lecideopsella [4 taxa], Lecideopsis [2 taxa], Leciographa [8 taxa], Lecophagus [1 taxon], Lecothyrium [11 taxa], Lecythispora [2 taxa], Leeina [1 taxon], Leioderma [21 taxa], Leiorreuma [23 taxa], Leiosphaerella [8 taxa], Lemalis [10 taxa], Lembopodia [1 taxon], Lembosia [156 taxa], Lembosiellina [2 taxa], Lembosina [15 taxa], Lembosiodothis [5 taxa], Lembosiopeltis [2 taxa], Lembuncula [1 taxon], Lemonniera [9 taxa], Lempholemma [2 taxa], Lentaria [31 taxa], Lentescospora [3 taxa], Lentinellus [45 taxa], Lentinula [39 taxa], Lentinus [548 taxa], Lentodiellum [5 taxa], Lentodium [5 taxa], Lentomita [4 taxa], Lenzites [457 taxa], Lenzitopsis [1 taxon], Leocarpus [63 taxa], Leotia [8 taxa], Lepidoderma [13 taxa], Lepidonectria [1 taxon], Lepiota [233 taxa], Lepista [24 taxa], Lepraria [55 taxa], Leprieuria [2 taxa], Leprieurina [7 taxa], Leprieurinella [1 taxon], Leprocaulon [4 taxa], Leproloma [5 taxa], Lepteutypa [1 taxon], Leptoderma [3 taxa], Leptodiscella [5 taxa], Leptodontidium [24 taxa], Leptodothiorella [9 taxa], Leptodothis [1 taxon], Leptogium [1393 taxa], Leptographium [84 taxa], Leptolegnia [4 taxa], Leptomelanconium [21 taxa], Leptomeliola [7 taxa], Leptomyces [6 taxa], Leptonia [13 taxa], Leptoniella [7 taxa], Leptopeltis [15 taxa], Leptopeltopsis [1 taxon], Leptophyma [14 taxa], Leptoporus [46 taxa], Leptorhaphis [23 taxa], Leptosacca [1 taxon], Leptosphaerella [1 taxon], Leptosphaeria [783 taxa], Leptosphaerulina [158 taxa], Leptospora [36 taxa], Leptosporella [4 taxa], Leptosporina [1 taxon], Leptosporomyces [12 taxa], Leptostroma [72 taxa], Leptostromella [36 taxa], Leptothyrella [7 taxa], Leptothyrium [180 taxa], Leptotrema [36 taxa], Leptotrochila [106 taxa], Leptoxyphium [69 taxa], Letendraea [1 taxon], Letharia [9 taxa], Lethariella [13 taxa], Letrouitia [41 taxa], Leucoagaricus [32 taxa], Leucocintractia [21 taxa], Leucoconis [1 taxon], Leucocoprinus [36 taxa], Leucocortinarius [3 taxa], Leucocytospora [12 taxa], Leucodecton [29 taxa], Leucogaster [2 taxa], Leucogymnospora [1 taxon], Leucogyrophana [42 taxa], Leuconectria [1 taxon], Leucopaxillus [16 taxa], Leucoporus [3 taxa], Leucoscypha [4 taxa], Leucosporidium [3 taxa], Leucostoma [1050 taxa], Leucotelium [3 taxa], Leucothecium [1 taxon], Leveillella [2 taxa], Leveillina [2 taxa], Leveillula [1437 taxa], Levieuxia [2 taxa], Lewia [194 taxa], Libertella [41 taxa], Libertiella [1 taxon], Libertina [1 taxon], Licea [131 taxa], Lichen [1 taxon], Lichenochora [1 taxon], Lichenoconium [8 taxa], Lichenodiplis [1 taxon], Lichenopeltella [3 taxa], Lichenostigma [2 taxa], Licopolia [1 taxon], Licrostroma [2 taxa], Lidophia [2 taxa], Ligniella [1 taxon], Ligniera [25 taxa], Lignincola [9 taxa], Lillicoa [4 taxa], Limacella [14 taxa], Limacinia [23 taxa], Limaciniella [3 taxa], Limacinula [119 taxa], Limacinula [17 taxa], Lindauella [1 taxon], Lindbladia [14 taxa], Lindra [10 taxa], Lindtneria [6 taxa], Linocarpon [25 taxa], Linochora [26 taxa], Linodochium [35 taxa], Linospora [31 taxa], Linostomella [1 taxon], Lipocystis [13 taxa], Liroa [5 taxa], Lirula [424 taxa], Lisea [10 taxa], Lithothelium [21 taxa], Litschauerella [1 taxon], Lizonia [3 taxa], Lloydella [26 taxa], Lobaria [316 taxa], Lobarina [5 taxa], Lobatopedis [3 taxa], Lochomyces [6 taxa], Loflammia [33 taxa], Lojkania [1 taxon], Lomaantha [1 taxon], Lomachashaka [2 taxa], Lopadium [61 taxa], Lopadostoma [40 taxa], Lopezaria [3 taxa], Lopharia [91 taxa], Lophidiopsis [1 taxon], Lophidium [2 taxa], Lophionema [4 taxa], Lophiosphaera [9 taxa], Lophiostoma [139 taxa], Lophiotrema [13 taxa], Lophiotricha [1 taxon], Lophium [33 taxa], Lophodermella [371 taxa], Lophodermellina [1 taxon], Lophodermium [6269 taxa], Lophodermopsis [2 taxa], Lophomerum [153 taxa], Lophophacidium [5 taxa], Lophotrichus [9 taxa], Loramyces [3 taxa], Loranthomyces [1 taxon], Loratospora [1 taxon], Loweporus [14 taxa], Lulworthia [57 taxa], Lunulospora [24 taxa], Luxuriomyces [8 taxa], Luzfridiella [2 taxa], Lycogala [9 taxa], Lycogala [212 taxa], Lycogalopsis [18 taxa], Lycoperdon [179 taxa], Lylea [12 taxa], Lyophyllum [9 taxa], Lyromma [15 taxa], Lyromotheca [3 taxa], Lysurus [23 taxa]

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