Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

Fungal Genera


Fungal genera: Saagaromyces [1 taxon], Saccardaea [1 taxon], Saccardinula [4 taxa], Saccardoella [17 taxa], Saccardomyces [2 taxa], Saccharomyces [43 taxa], Saccoblastia [2 taxa], Saccobolus [591 taxa], Saccomorpha [22 taxa], Saccothecium [29 taxa], Sacidium [5 taxa], Sadasivanella [1 taxon], Sadasivania [8 taxa], Sagenomella [1 taxon], Salmonomyces [3 taxa], Sampaioa [1 taxon], Sanjuanomyces [4 taxa], Santapauinda [1 taxon], Santessonia [15 taxa], Saprolegnia [132 taxa], Sapromyces [1 taxon], Saprotaphrina [2 taxa], Sapucchaka [1 taxon], Sarawakus [2 taxa], Sarbhoyomyces [1 taxon], Sarcinella [77 taxa], Sarcinomyces [1 taxon], Sarcinulella [1 taxon], Sarcodon [21 taxa], Sarcodontia [20 taxa], Sarcographa [41 taxa], Sarcoleotia [3 taxa], Sarcophoma [1 taxon], Sarcopodium [15 taxa], Sarcosagium [2 taxa], Sarcoscypha [101 taxa], Sarcosoma [16 taxa], Sarcotrochila [4 taxa], Sarcoxylon [4 taxa], Sarea [64 taxa], Sarocladium [24 taxa], Satchmopsis [52 taxa], Sathropeltis [3 taxa], Satwalekera [1 taxon], Savoryella [2 taxa], Savulescua [1 taxon], Sawadaea [304 taxa], Sawadaia [350 taxa], Scaphidium [1 taxon], Scedosporium [3 taxa], Schadonia [2 taxa], Schenella [1 taxon], Schiffnerula [157 taxa], Schismatomma [17 taxa], Schistophoron [7 taxa], Schizoblastosporion [2 taxa], Schizochora [5 taxa], Schizochytrium [1 taxon], Schizonella [12 taxa], Schizoparme [39 taxa], Schizopeltis [14 taxa], Schizophoma [1 taxon], Schizophyllum [909 taxa], Schizopora [145 taxa], Schizosaccharomyces [3 taxa], Schizostoma [9 taxa], Schizothecium [1146 taxa], Schizothyra [4 taxa], Schizothyrella [3 taxa], Schizothyrioma [3 taxa], Schizothyrium [109 taxa], Schizotorulopsis [1 taxon], Schizotrichella [2 taxa], Schizotrichum [2 taxa], Schizoxylon [97 taxa], Schmitzomia [2 taxa], Schneepia [2 taxa], Schroeteria [6 taxa], Schroeteriaster [20 taxa], Schulzeria [16 taxa], Schwanniomyces [2 taxa], Sciniatosporium [4 taxa], Scirrhia [54 taxa], Scirrhophragma [1 taxon], Sclerochaeta [1 taxon], Sclerococcum [1 taxon], Scleroconium [1 taxon], Sclerocystis [31 taxa], Scleroderma [127 taxa], Scleroderris [9 taxa], Sclerodothis [1 taxon], Sclerogone [3 taxa], Sclerographiopsis [2 taxa], Sclerographium [7 taxa], Scleromitrula [5 taxa], Sclerophoma [190 taxa], Sclerophora [5 taxa], Sclerophthora [38 taxa], Sclerophyton [11 taxa], Scleropleella [4 taxa], Scleropycnis [1 taxon], Sclerospora [151 taxa], Sclerotinia [384 taxa], Sclerotiomyces [37 taxa], Sclerotiopsis [4 taxa], Sclerotium [135 taxa], Scolecobasidiella [15 taxa], Scolecobasidium [47 taxa], Scolecobonaria [1 taxon], Scolecodothis [5 taxa], Scoleconectria [154 taxa], Scolecopeltella [9 taxa], Scolecopeltidium [103 taxa], Scolecopeltis [44 taxa], Scolecopycnis [2 taxa], Scolecosporiella [2 taxa], Scolecosporium [2 taxa], Scolecostigmina [7 taxa], Scolecoxyphium [32 taxa], Scoliciosporum [12 taxa], Scolicosporium [3 taxa], Scolicotrichum [31 taxa], Scolionema [1 taxon], Scoliotidium [4 taxa], Scopella [13 taxa], Scopellopsis [2 taxa], Scopinella [8 taxa], Scopularia [3 taxa], Scopulariopsis [55 taxa], Scopuloides [2 taxa], Scorias [16 taxa], Scoriomyces [1 taxon], Scorpiosporium [6 taxa], Scortechinia [1 taxon], Scothelius [1 taxon], Scotiosphaeria [2 taxa], Sculptolumina [9 taxa], Scutellinia [492 taxa], Scutellospora [19 taxa], Scutiger [2 taxa], Scutisporus [2 taxa], Scutomollisia [7 taxa], Scutomyces [26 taxa], Scutopeltis [3 taxa], Scutoscypha [1 taxon], Scutula [1 taxon], Scutularia [3 taxa], Scutulopsis [3 taxa], Scyphospora [8 taxa], Scytalidium [33 taxa], Scytinostroma [196 taxa], Scytinostromella [14 taxa], Scytinotus [10 taxa], Searchomyces [3 taxa], Sebacina [28 taxa], Seimatosporium [72 taxa], Seiridium [34 taxa], Selenodriella [15 taxa], Selenoidriella [8 taxa], Selenophoma [30 taxa], Selenosporella [34 taxa], Selinia [29 taxa], Semifissispora [6 taxa], Sepedonium [12 taxa], Septobasidium [206 taxa], Septochytrium [3 taxa], Septocylindrium [13 taxa], Septocyta [5 taxa], Septocytella [1 taxon], Septogloeum [104 taxa], Septoidium [4 taxa], Septomazzantia [1 taxon], Septomyrothecium [17 taxa], Septomyxa [15 taxa], Septonema [104 taxa], Septopatella [1 taxon], Septoria [3375 taxa], Septoriella [9 taxa], Septoriomyces [2 taxa], Septosporium [14 taxa], Septothyrella [11 taxa], Septotinia [2 taxa], Septotrullula [1 taxon], Sepultaria [1 taxon], Serenomyces [3 taxa], Serpula [43 taxa], Sesquicillium [41 taxa], Setchelliogaster [10 taxa], Setella [4 taxa], Setocampanula [1 taxon], Setoerysiphe [1 taxon], Setomyces [219 taxa], Setopeltis [2 taxa], Setopsis [1 taxon], Setosphaeria [453 taxa], Setulophoma [1 taxon], Seuratia [84 taxa], Seynesia [22 taxa], Seynesiella [6 taxa], Seynesiopsis [2 taxa], Shanorella [2 taxa], Shanoriella [1 taxon], Shearia [1 taxon], Shiraia [4 taxa], Shomea [3 taxa], Shropshiria [3 taxa], Sigmoidea [3 taxa], Sigridea [2 taxa], Sillia [19 taxa], Simblum [1 taxon], Simocybe [30 taxa], Singera [3 taxa], Siphula [3 taxa], Sirobasidium [9 taxa], Sirococcella [2 taxa], Sirococcus [27 taxa], Sirodesmium [7 taxa], Sirodiplospora [10 taxa], Sirodothis [6 taxa], Siropatella [1 taxon], Siropeltis [1 taxon], Sirophoma [1 taxon], Siroplacodium [1 taxon], Sirosperma [2 taxa], Sirosporium [53 taxa], Sirothecium [9 taxa], Sirothyriella [11 taxa], Sirothyrium [1 taxon], Sirozythia [1 taxon], Sistotrema [34 taxa], Sistotremastrum [5 taxa], Sitochora [1 taxon], Sivanesania [1 taxon], Skeletocutis [75 taxa], Skenia [1 taxon], Skepperia [4 taxa], Skierka [37 taxa], Skoteinospora [3 taxa], Skottsbergiella [1 taxon], Skvortzovia [14 taxa], Skyttea [3 taxa], Slimacomyces [44 taxa], Soleella [18 taxa], Solenia [18 taxa], Solenopezia [1 taxon], Solheimia [3 taxa], Solicorynespora [25 taxa], Soloacrospora [5 taxa], Solocorynespora [2 taxa], Solorina [1 taxon], Solosympodiella [29 taxa], Somatexis [2 taxa], Sommerstorffia [2 taxa], Sonderhenia [45 taxa], Sopagraha [7 taxa], Sordaria [483 taxa], Sordariella [1 taxon], Sorodiscus [9 taxa], Sorokina [4 taxa], Sorosphaera [6 taxa], Sorosporella [2 taxa], Sorosporium [483 taxa], Sowerbyella [9 taxa], Spadicesporium [2 taxa], Spadicoides [41 taxa], Sparassiella [2 taxa], Sparassis [39 taxa], Spathularia [17 taxa], Spegazzinia [128 taxa], Spegazziniella [66 taxa], Speira [11 taxa], Speiropsis [43 taxa], Spermochaetella [1 taxon], Spermodermia [2 taxa], Spermoedia [1 taxon], Spermophthora [2 taxa], Spermospora [4 taxa], Spermosporella [2 taxa], Spermotrichum [1 taxon], Sphacelia [110 taxa], Sphaceloma [173 taxa], Sphacelotheca [566 taxa], Sphaerangium [1 taxon], Sphaerella [86 taxa], Sphaerella [6 taxa], Sphaerellopsis [11 taxa], Sphaeria [38 taxa], Sphaeridium [72 taxa], Sphaerites [1 taxon], Sphaerobasidium [4 taxa], Sphaerobolus [64 taxa], Sphaerochaetia [8 taxa], Sphaerocolla [1 taxon], Sphaerodermatella [5 taxa], Sphaerodes [5 taxa], Sphaerodothis [33 taxa], Sphaerognomonia [1 taxon], Sphaerographium [2 taxa], Sphaeromma [2 taxa], Sphaeromonas [1 taxon], Sphaeronaema [65 taxa], Sphaeronaemella [2 taxa], Sphaeronemopsis [1 taxon], Sphaeropezia [2 taxa], Sphaerophorus [74 taxa], Sphaerophragmium [37 taxa], Sphaeropsis [750 taxa], Sphaerosoma [1 taxon], Sphaerosporella [1 taxon], Sphaerosporium [3 taxa], Sphaerostilbe [41 taxa], Sphaerostilbella [4 taxa], Sphaerotheca [4032 taxa], Sphaerozone [1 taxon], Sphaerulina [90 taxa], Sphagnicola [3 taxa], Sphaleromyces [2 taxa], Sphenospora [54 taxa], Sphinctrina [6 taxa], Sphinctrinopsis [1 taxon], Spicaria [8 taxa], Spilocaea [51 taxa], Spilodochium [1 taxon], Spilomyces [4 taxa], Spilopodia [2 taxa], Spilosticta [10 taxa], Spinellus [2 taxa], Spinomyces [55 taxa], Spinulospora [1 taxon], Spirechina [6 taxa], Spirogyra [2 taxa], Spiromastix [1 taxon], Spiropes [329 taxa], Spirosphaera [9 taxa], Splanchnonema [91 taxa], Spogotteria [1 taxon], Spondylocladiella [1 taxon], Spondylocladium [2 taxa], Spongipellis [64 taxa], Spongiporus [1 taxon], Spongospora [27 taxa], Spooneromyces [2 taxa], Sporendocladia [26 taxa], Sporendonema [5 taxa], Sporhaplus [1 taxon], Sporhelminthium [1 taxon], Sporidesmiella [71 taxa], Sporidesmina [1 taxon], Sporidesmiopsis [54 taxa], Sporidesmium [578 taxa], Sporisorium [578 taxa], Sporobolomyces [12 taxa], Sporocadus [1 taxon], Sporocybe [5 taxa], Sporocybomyces [2 taxa], Sporodinia [1 taxon], Sporodiniella [1 taxon], Sporomega [9 taxa], Sporonema [3 taxa], Sporopodium [61 taxa], Sporormia [32 taxa], Sporormiella [1379 taxa], Sporoschisma [77 taxa], Sporoschismopsis [4 taxa], Sporothrix [35 taxa], Sporotrichum [52 taxa], Spumaria [1 taxon], Spumatoria [1 taxon], Spumula [1 taxon], Squamarina [8 taxa], Stachybotryna [3 taxa], Stachybotrys [323 taxa], Stachylidium [105 taxa], Stagonospora [303 taxa], Stagonosporopsis [14 taxa], Stagonostromella [1 taxon], Staheliella [3 taxa], Staibia [15 taxa], Stakmania [3 taxa], Stamnaria [11 taxa], Stanhughesia [1 taxon], Staninwardia [7 taxa], Stanjehughesia [8 taxa], Staphylotrichum [7 taxa], Starbaeckia [1 taxon], Stauronema [14 taxa], Stauronemopsis [1 taxon], Stecchericium [2 taxa], Steccherinum [141 taxa], Stegastroma [1 taxon], Stegia [6 taxa], Stegobolus [20 taxa], Stegonsporiopsis [1 taxon], Stegonsporium [21 taxa], Stegophora [1 taxon], Stegophorella [2 taxa], Steinia [4 taxa], Steirochaete [1 taxon], Stellatospora [1 taxon], Stellopeltis [12 taxa], Stemmaria [1 taxon], Stemonitis [558 taxa], Stemonitis [15 taxa], Stemonitopsis [77 taxa], Stemphyliomina [1 taxon], Stemphyliopsis [2 taxa], Stemphylium [253 taxa], Stenella [149 taxa], Stenellopsis [4 taxa], Stenocarpella [52 taxa], Stenocybe [12 taxa], Stephanoascus [1 taxon], Stephanoma [6 taxa], Stephanosporium [4 taxa], Stephanotheca [2 taxa], Stephembruneria [5 taxa], Stephensia [1 taxon], Stephosia [1 taxon], Stereocaulon [5 taxa], Stereofomes [2 taxa], Stereogloeocystidium [3 taxa], Stereopsis [10 taxa], Stereostratum [6 taxa], Stereum [1865 taxa], Sterigmatobotrys [6 taxa], Sterigmatomyces [2 taxa], Stevensomyces [3 taxa], Stevensula [1 taxon], Steyaertia [1 taxon], Sthughesia [2 taxa], Stichodothis [32 taxa], Stichomyces [1 taxon], Stichophoma [1 taxon], Stichospora [1 taxon], Sticta [454 taxa], Stictis [492 taxa], Stictochorella [1 taxon], Stictopatella [2 taxa], Stictophacidium [1 taxon], Stigmatea [29 taxa], Stigmatidium [1 taxon], Stigmatodothis [6 taxa], Stigmatolemma [9 taxa], Stigmatomyces [3 taxa], Stigmatopeltis [3 taxa], Stigmatula [1 taxon], Stigme [2 taxa], Stigmella [35 taxa], Stigmina [364 taxa], Stigmochora [6 taxa], Stigmopeltella [2 taxa], Stigmopeltis [9 taxa], Stigmopeltopsis [3 taxa], Stilbella [68 taxa], Stilbellula [1 taxon], Stilbocrea [14 taxa], Stilbohypoxylon [6 taxa], Stilbomyces [6 taxa], Stilbophoma [1 taxon], Stilbospora [37 taxa], Stilbosporum [1 taxon], Stilbum [48 taxa], Stioclettia [1 taxon], Stipitochaete [2 taxa], Stiptophyllum [4 taxa], Stirtonia [13 taxa], Stomatogene [11 taxa], Stomiopeltella [15 taxa], Stomiopeltina [1 taxon], Stomiopeltis [210 taxa], Stomiopeltopsis [7 taxa], Stomiotheca [1 taxon], Strangospora [12 taxa], Strasseria [27 taxa], Strattonia [3 taxa], Streptothrix [1 taxon], Striatosphaeria [3 taxa], Strickeria [29 taxa], Strigopodia [3 taxa], Strigula [606 taxa], Striodiplodia [1 taxon], Strionemadiplodia [1 taxon], Strobilomyces [9 taxa], Strobilurus [19 taxa], Stromatinia [10 taxa], Stromatoneurospora [10 taxa], Stromatopycnis [3 taxa], Strongylothallus [1 taxon], Stropharia [90 taxa], Strossmayeria [34 taxa], Strumella [1 taxon], Stuartella [6 taxa], Stylaspergillus [1 taxon], Stylina [3 taxa], Stylodothis [1 taxon], Stylopage [11 taxa], Stypella [6 taxa], Stysanus [17 taxa], Subramanella [1 taxon], Subramania [4 taxa], Subramaniomyces [20 taxa], Subramaniula [1 taxon], Subulicium [1 taxon], Subulicystidium [43 taxa], Subulispora [36 taxa], Suillus [13 taxa], Suillus [165 taxa], Sulcaria [19 taxa], Sulcispora [1 taxon], Suttoniella [1 taxon], Suttonina [3 taxa], Svrcekomyces [1 taxon], Syamithabeeja [1 taxon], Sydowia [10 taxa], Sydowiella [13 taxa], Sydowiellina [20 taxa], Sydowinula [1 taxon], Symphaeophyma [1 taxon], Symphaster [1 taxon], Symphyosira [2 taxa], Symphyosirinia [3 taxa], Symphysos [1 taxon], Symphytocarpus [4 taxa], Symplectromyces [1 taxon], Sympodiella [72 taxa], Sympodina [1 taxon], Sympodiophora [6 taxa], Syncarpella [1 taxon], Syncephalastrum [47 taxa], Syncephalis [20 taxa], Synchytrium [511 taxa], Synnematium [5 taxa], Synnemellisia [1 taxon], Synostomella [1 taxon], Synostomina [1 taxon], Syrropeltis [1 taxon], Syspastospora [7 taxa], Systremma [3 taxa], Syzygospora [2 taxa]

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