(13 February 1780 – 8 February 1834)

Biographies & obituaries. Kellerman, W.A. (1886). Sketch of De Schweinitz. Journal of Mycology 2 (3): 31-34. Mycological Notes by C.G. Lloyd 44: 605-606, 1916 [+ portrait]. Collections. BPI; PH [main]. See also: Shear, C.L.; Stevens, N.E. (1917). Studies of the Schweinitz collections of fungi - I. Sketch of his historical work. Mycologia 9 (4): 191-204. Shear, C.L.; Stevens, N.E. (1917). Studies of the Schweinitz collections of fungi - II. Distribution and previous studies of authentic specimens. Mycologia 9 (6): 333-344. Shear, C.L. (1949). Schweinitz-Fries letters. Mycologia 41 (4): 456-461 [correspondence with E.M. Fries, example of handwriting]. Lists. Taxa. Kirk & Ansell form of name: Schwein.

Lewis [Ludwig] David von Schweinitz

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